How to Setup a Network Folder for an FHV7

Updated May 17, 2023


Application note for setting up a shared folder on a PC (Network Sharing) for an FHV7 camera.

Required Equipment

• Laptop (IP address 

• FHV7 (IP address: 

Note: For purpose of this application note default IP address are used for the FHV7 and it is assumed that personnel understand FH / FHV Programming / Setup / Remote Operation Tool and have basic computer skills. 


Step 1 - PC Configuration:

1. Create New Folder under Documents. 

2. Name this ‘OMRON FHV’ to match other vision software folders. 

3. Right click new folder and select Properties. 

4. Go to 'Sharing' tab:

5. Select 'Advanced Sharing':

6. Select ‘Share this folder’ and then select ‘Permissions’ 

7. Select tick-box for ‘Full Control’ = ‘Allow’. 

8. Click ‘Apply’.

9. Click ‘Apply’ again on remaining window. 

10. Once this is done, a Network Path will be shown in remaining window. 

11. Copy this to your clipboard. 

Step 2 - FHV7 Configuration:

1. Open the ‘FH_FHV Launcher’ and select ‘Remote Operation Tool’, select appropriate version. 

2. Then click ‘Run’ 

3. Select 'Browse'.

4. If correct IP range is set on PC, then you will see the FHV. Select a version and click ‘OK’. 

5. Then select 'Start':

6. Select ‘Tools’ ’System Settings’: 

7. Select ‘Other’ ’Network Drive Setting’. Highlight ‘S’ and select ‘Edit’: 

8. Paste link from clipboard to ‘Shared Folder’ and enter Username and Password of Windows PC and select ‘OK’: 

9. Click ‘Apply’ and ‘Close’: 

10. Perform a Data Save and restart the FHV. Upon restart the shared folder will be active and you can save and log images to this directory rather than on the SD card. 

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