Configuring Analog Expansion Units for CP1 series PLC

Updated April 23, 2024


This article covers how to set up the analog expansion modules for the CP series PLCs.



Analog expansion units won't read ANY values until their range code has been set. 



The range code must be written to the IO area every time the CPU is power cycled.



Unused analog inputs must be deactivated in the range code. None of the expansion unit input will work if an input is missing.

Step 1

Wire the analog inputs/outputs. See Appendix E.

Step 2

Determine the range codes required for your application. See the below example for determining your range codes. Appendix F contains the full reference of range codes.

Decision Tree

Range Code Example

  • Analog Input Module
  • Analog Output Module
  • Analogue Input/Output Module
  • Add Button

CP1W-AD041 Range Code Example

We will use 3 analogue inputs for the example
  • Input 1 = -10V to 10V
  • Input 2 = 0 to 10V
  • Input 3 = 4 to 20mA
  • Input 4 = Not in use

The below graphic shows how the range codes are structured

  • Input 1 set data = Input Use(Yes, 1), Averaging (No, 0), Range Code (-10 to 10V, 00)
  • Input 2 set data = Input Use(Yes, 1), Averaging (No, 0), Range Code (0 to 10V, 01)
  • Input 3 set data = Input Use(Yes, 1), Averaging (No, 0), Range Code (4 to 20mA, 10)
  • Input 4 set data = Input Use(No, 0), Averaging (No, 0), Range Code (N/A, 00)

Therefore the n+1 and n+2 are:

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
n+1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
n+2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

CP1W-DA041 Range Code Example

In this example we will use CP1W-DA042 which has 4 outputs. CP1W-
DA021 only has 2 outputs, so only word n+1 can be used.
We will use 3 analogue inputs for the example
  • Output 1 = -10V to 10V
  • Output 2 = 0 to 10V
  • Output 3 = 4 to 20mA
  • Output 4 = Not in use

The below graphic shows how the range codes are structured.

  • Output 1 set data = Output Use(Yes, 1), Range Code (-10 to 10V, 000)
  • Output 2 set data = Output Use(Yes, 1), Range Code (0 to 10V, 001)
  • Output 3 set data = Output Use(Yes, 1), Range Code (4 to 20mA, 100)
  • Output 4 set data = Output Use(No, 0), Range Code (N/A, 000)

Therefore the n+1 and n+2 are:

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
n+1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
n+2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
Select desired expansion module
  • CP1W-MAD11
  • CP1W-MAD42
  • CP1W-MAD44
  • Add Button

CP1W-MAD11 Range Code Example

We will use 2 analogue inputs and 1 analogue output for the example.
  • Input 1 = -10V to 10V
  • Input 2 = 4 to 20mA
  • Output 1 = 4 to 20mA

The below graphic shows how the range codes are structured

  • Input 1 set data = Range Code (-10 to 10V, 000)
  • Input 2 set data = Range Code (0 to 10V, 010)
  • Output 1 set data = Range Code (4 to 20mA, 100)

Therefore the n+1 is:

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
n+1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

CP1W-MAD44 Range Code Example

We will use 3 analogue inputs  and 3 analogue outputs for the example
  • Input 1 = -10V to 10V
  • Input 2 = 0 to 10V
  • Input 3 = 4 to 20mA
  • Input 4 = Not in use
  • Output 1 = -10V to 10V
  • Output 2 = 0 to 10V
  • Output 3 = 4 to 20mA
  • Output 4 = Not in use

The below graphic shows how the range codes are structured for CP1W-MAD44

  • Input 1 set data = Input Use(Yes, 1), Average(No, 0), Range Code (-10 to 10V, 00)
  • Input 2 set data = Input Use(Yes, 1), Average(No, 0), Range Code (0 to 10V, 01)
  • Input 3 set data = Input Use(Yes, 1), Average(No, 0), Range Code (4 to 20mA, 10)
  • Input 4 set data = Input Use(No, 0), Average(No, 0), Range Code (N/A, 000)
  • Output 1 set data = Output Use(Yes, 1), Range Code (-10 to 10V, 000)
  • Output 2 set data = Output Use(Yes, 1), Range Code (0 to 10V, 001)
  • Output 3 set data = Output Use(Yes, 1), Range Code (4 to 20mA, 100)
  • Output 4 set data = Output Use(No, 0), Range Code (N/A, 000)

Therefore the n+1 to n+4 are:

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
n+1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
n+2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
n+3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
n+4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

CP1W-MAD42 Range Code Example

We will use 3 analogue inputs and 1 analogue output for the example
  • Input 1 = -10V to 10V
  • Input 2 = 0 to 10V
  • Input 3 = 4 to 20mA
  • Input 4 = Not in use
  • Output 1 = -10V to 10V
  • Output 2 = Not in use

The below graphic shows how the range codes are structured for CP1W-MAD44

  • Input 1 set data = Input Use(Yes, 1), Average(No, 0), Range Code (-10 to 10V, 00)
  • Input 2 set data = Input Use(Yes, 1), Average(No, 0), Range Code (0 to 10V, 01)
  • Input 3 set data = Input Use(Yes, 1), Average(No, 0), Range Code (4 to 20mA, 10)
  • Input 4 set data = Input Use(No, 0), Average(No, 0), Range Code (N/A, 000)
  • Output 1 set data = Output Use(Yes, 1), Range Code (-10 to 10V, 000)
  • Output 2 set data = Output Use(No, 0), Range Code (N/A, 0)

Therefore the n+1 and n+2 are:

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
n+1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
n+2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

Step 3

Write the range codes to the IO area to initialise the analogue input/output configuration. See Appendix A for information on how to determine the memory areas your expansion module is using. The below example goes over how to write the range codes to your expansion cards.

Decision Tree

Programming Examples

  • Analog Input Module
  • Analogue Output Module
  • Analogue Input/Output Module
  • Add Button

CP1W-AD041 Programming Example

Note that despite the expansion being an input, we are writing to the output area.

CP1W-DA041 Programming Example

Expansion Module Selection

  • CP1W-MAD11
  • CP1W-MAD42/44
  • Add Button

CP1W-MAD11 Programming Example

Analog In/Out Range Range code
Input 1 0 to 10V 001
Input 2 4 to 20mA 010
Output 1 0 to 10V 001
Set Data 1000 000001010001 (Hex 8051)

CP1W-MAD42/44 Programming Example

Note that despite the expansion being an input combination unit, we are writing exclusively to the output area.

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Appendix A - Analog Memory Areas

Expansion Units and Expansion I/O Units are allocated I/O bits in the order the Units are connected starting from the CPU Unit. When the power to the CPU Unit is turned ON, the CPU Unit checks for any Expansion Units and Expansion I/O Units connected to it and automatically allocates I/O bits. See example below for how memory is allocated to analog input and output areas.


Appendix B - Analog IO Specifications

Analog InputsAnalog Outputs

Analog In/Out MAD11

Analog In/Out MAD42/44

Decision Tree

Appendix C - Analog Signal Ranges

  • CP1W-AD
  • CP1W-DA
  • CP1W-MAD
  • Add Button

Input Signal Ranges

The vertical axis indicates the digital value in the expansion unit, and the horizontal axis indicates the true analog value.

Output Signal Ranges

The vertical axis indicates the digital value in the expansion unit, and the horizontal axis indicates the true analogue value.

Select the desired expansion module
  • CP1W-MAD11
  • CP1W-MAD42/44
  • Add Button
Select Input or Output
  • Inputs
  • Outputs
  • Add Button

MAD11 Signal Ranges

The vertical axis indicates the digital value in the expansion unit, and the horizontal axis indicates the true analogue value.

MAD11 Signal Ranges

The vertical axis indicates the digital value in the expansion unit, and the horizontal axis indicates the true analogue value.

Select Input or Output
  • Inputs
  • Outputs
  • Add Button

MAD42/44 Signal Ranges

The vertical axis indicates the digital value in the expansion unit, and the horizontal axis indicates the true analogue value.

MAD42/44 signal ranges

The vertical axis indicates the digital value in the expansion unit, and the horizontal axis indicates the true analogue value.

Appendix E - Wiring diagrams

Analog Input Wiring


Analog Output Wiring

Decision Tree

Appendix F - Analog Range Codes

  • Analogue Input module
  • Analogue Output module
  • Analog Input/Output module
  • Add Button

CP1W-AD041 Range codes

Four input words and two output words are allocated from the next words following the last I/O words allocated to the CPU Unit or an existing Expansion Unit or Expansion I/O Unit.
Write the settings for input use, averaging use, and range codes for words
n+1 and n+2.

CP1W-DA41 Range Codes

Four output words (n+1 to n+4) are allocated, beginning from the first word following the last I/O word allocated to the CPU Unit or already-connected Expansion I/O Unit or Expansion Unit. For CP1W-DA021, two output words (n+1, n+2) are allocated.

Analogue Input/Output Module Range Codes

  • CP1W-MAD11
  • CP1W-MAD42
  • CP1W-MAD44
  • Add Button

CP1W-MAD11 Range Codes

Two input words and one output word are allocated to the CP1W-MAD11
starting from the next word following the last word allocated to the CPU Unit
or previous Expansion Unit or Expansion I/O Unit.

CP1W-MAD42 Range Codes

Four input words and two output words are allocated to the CP1W-MAD42,
starting from the next word following the last word allocated to the CPU Unit
or previous Expansion Unit or Expansion I/O Unit.

Analogue input configuration data structure

Analogue output configuration data structure

CP1W-MAD44 Range Codes

Four input words and four output words are allocated to the CP1W-MAD44,
starting from the next word following the last word allocated to the CPU Unit
or previous Expansion Unit or Expansion I/O Unit.

Analogue input configuration data structure

Analogue output configuration data structure

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