Downloading and opening CX-One

Updated March 09, 2023


Where to download CX-One software after purchasing a CX type OMRON PLC. This article also talks about how to download CX-One after the download is complete. 


  1. To download the CX-One software package go to the following website.
  2. Complete the request for download by entering your details. 
  3. When the download is complete go to 'This PC' 
  4.  Double click on the following icon
  5. After opening the file, scroll down until you find a file called 'setup'
  6. Follow the prompts and the software will download
  7. When the CX-One install is complete, open your windows icon and find the OMRON folder. 
  8. Open the CX-One folder and find the CX software that is required 



To use the CX-One software, you will be required to enter your CX-One license key information that was purchased to activate. 

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