Which OMRON PLCs can perform Modbus Communications

Updated May 19, 2023


Modbus is a relatively easy protocol to write, even from scratch, and as such has been prolific in industrial communications. Modbus comes in a few variations. In OMRON PLCs and Machine Controllers, Modbus is easily implemented. Often it is a Function block is used to perform the Modbus transactions.

Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII

Modbus RTU is the most common form of the protocol and is used on any serial communications layer such as RS232, RS485 and RS422. It is a binary protocol. 

Modbus ASCII is similar to RTU in that it also is used on serial networks, however all values are encoded in ASCII characters. Rather than a value of say 12345 (integer) which on a binary protocol would require 2 bytes, in ASCII the ASCII characters "1", "2", "3", "4" & "5" would be sent, each using one byte. This is obviously less efficient. As such it is not a very commonly used variant of the Modbus protocol.

Modbus TCP

Modbus TCP is simply the same simple protocol, but embedded into a TCP Ethernet frame. In order to perform TCP communications from the user program, the PLC unit must support Socket Services. Some Ethernet units do not support this, such as the CJ2M-CPU3x CPU built in Ethernet/IP port or the CP1W-CIF41 ethernet unit.

The following table gives a summary of the PLCs and what units and software is used for Modbus  TCP and RTU. Click on the links to download the required function blocks and documentation.

Modbus TCP
PLC Master Hardware Slave Hardware Function Blocks
CP1L CP1W-MODTCP61 CP1W-MODTCP61 Not required
CP1L-E Built in Ethernet Port Built in Ethernet Port MTCP_CP1L_Server.zipMTCP_CP1L_Client.zip
CP1H CP1W-MODTCP61 CP1W-MODTCP61 Not required
CJ1 / CJ2 / CS1 CJ1W-ETN21
MTCP_ETN any Unit no CLIENT.zip
NX & NJ Built in Ethernet Port Built in Ethernet Port
Modbus RTU
PLC Master Hardware Slave Hardware Function Blocks
CP1L / CP1L-E / CP1H
CP1W-CIF serial port CP1W-CIFxx serial port MRTU_CPU_Master.zipMRTU_CPU_Slave.zip
CJ1/CJ2/CS1 CJ1W-SCU unit
CS1W-SCU unit
CJ1W-SCU unit
CS1W-SCU unit
Slave function is built into unit.
CJ1/CJ2/CS1 Serial port on CPU
Serial port on CPU
MRTU_CPU_Master.zip M RTU_CPU_Slave.zip
Protocol Macro loaded using CX-Protocol:
Modbus_New_V5_1 Prptocol Macro Package.zip
System function blocks
NX NX1W-CIFxx board or NX-CIF unit NX1W-CIFxx board or NX-CIF unit System Function Blocks

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